Access to energy

Nexans Foundation provides solar panels for off-grid families with EcoSwell

Nov 14, 2022
Nexans Foundation, EcoSwell, photovoltaic energy, medical centers

Almost one million families in Peru do not have electricity in their homes, this nationwide lack of electricity puts medical centers in Peruvian communities at risk. The province of Talara, located in northern Peru, has been affected by power outages that last for several hours, resulting in health centers without electricity and, consequently, vaccine refrigerators without power for several hours, resulting in losses of vaccines and financial costs.

The Nexans Foundation together with EcoSwell, will carry out the project that consists of installing a UPS system (uninterruptible power supply) of photovoltaic energy in the medical centers of Talara in order to ensure the cold chain of the vaccine refrigerators from power outages. Training will also be provided to solar energy entrepreneurs to provide them with logistical, business and technological support. This will enable the creation of clean energy jobs.

EcoSwell's purpose is to provide families living outside the city with affordable, healthy, efficient and environmentally friendly electricity to light and power basic devices in their homes.

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